Finance Specialist
Shanghai, SH, CN, 201108
Job Description
Title: Finance Specialist - Tax/GL accountant
Report to: Finance Controller
Job Description 职责描述:
- 进行增值税、出口退税、所得税,印花税等各项税收的核算及申报
Perform tax calculation and accounting entries for all taxes including VAT, VAT surcharge, income tax, stamp duty, property tax, withholding tax & etc.
- 核对应交税金明细科目,确保与税务申报结果一致
Prepare accurate and timely tax accounts reconciliation.
- 统计报表申报、外资信息管理申报、年度工商年检以及配合其他政府部门需要信息
Responsible for statistical statements declaration, foreign enterprise information declaration monthly, national enterprise credit information public system annual filling and other local reports from government.
- 年度研发加计扣除审计、所得税审计、关联方交易审计及其他需要配合的审计或税务检查
Responsible for R&D deduction audit, income tax audit, and assistant for ICTP audit and other tax audit.
- 年度研发加计扣除审计、所得税审计、关联方交易审计及其他需要配合的审计或税务检查
- 按时完成非贸付款税务备案等工作
Perform Non trade payment tax filing timely
- 与税务局保持沟通,及时更新分析税务政策,确保公司税务合规性
Interact with tax authority for any inquiry, update and analysis of tax policies to ensure compliance.
- 其他税务相关工作
Other Tax related job
- 月度结账,编制月度科目余额调节表
Perform monthly closing process including posting journal entries and account reconciliations for both local &consolidated system.
- 审核科目余额调节表,确保所有科目按PRC GAAP及集团要求准确记录
Review BS reconciliation to ensure all account balances are appropriately supported and properly stated and comply with policy.
- 保持与会计师事务所沟通,及时更新会计准则变化对公司账务处理的影响
Interact with audit firm to update GAAP adjustment
- 完成上级安排的其他任务
Other ad hoc requirements from manager
Job Profile 职位要求:
- 熟悉PRC GAAP及US GAAP,有5年以上总账相关经验
Good Knowledge in PRC & US GAAP with minimum 5 year accounting experience
- 熟悉中国税法,有5年以上公司税务实际操作经验或会计师事务所相关经验
Good Knowledge in TAX with minimum 5 year tax operation experience or firm experience
- 注册税务师或注册会计师优先
CTA or CPA will be plus
- 熟练应用office等办公软件
Mastery in MS Office System
- 工作细致认真,有责任心及上进心。
Strong sense of responsibility, carefulness, motivation
- 英语可用作工作沟通
Workable in both spoken and written English
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